Thursday, February 12, 2009

No Cash Wallet... take 3.

I was working on this wallet from Amy Karol's book Bend the Rules Sewing, and I have made three, this one is my third, and I think I'll make a fourth tonight. For some reason I am driven to get this thing to work. The first version was too tight for my credit cards, etc. so I did a second one that still was a bit off with the topstitching, and this last one was almost there. I love Amy Karol's book - as a beginning sewer (is that a word?) it is super easy to follow and the projects are relatively small and quick. I have renewed it 4 times from the library. Maybe it is time to buy? I love that I am writing this blog to everyone and no one at the same time ; )


  1. Jill, you are very talented!!! I may ask you to make some tiebacks for my blinds...once I get some fabric. Gia
