Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mega Hat.

I just finished this hat, created from the Brangelina pattern from Crazy Aunt Purl. Well, it was fun to do and the hat is heavy and warm for the Chicago weather. However, it is way too big. It is Mega Hat. The problem was a combo of two things: I knit the whole thing in 10.5 size needles and the instructions said start in 10 and switch to 11, etc... so perhaps I should have stuck with that. And the other thing was that I did not measure my head, but just started knitting according to the directions. So now I know! And on a side note, the top of the hat is not actually pointy, it is just the branch underneath poking it out. I just went back to look at Crazy Purl’s and hers looks a lot tighter and flat against her head. I’m going to try again.

My family just left — my parents and brother were visiting from out of town, and we had a great time. We bowled, went to the zoo, museum, watched movies (this is a great one... a family favorite). I wish they lived closer.

1 comment:

  1. That is a really great picture...I'm sure you all had a great time together! G
