Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween, Autumn & The Hunger Games.

So here is what I have been up to!

I have finished my 3 year old’s Tinkerbell costume (Simplicity 2872), and I’ll post pictures of it after I take some on Halloween. (My 5 year old is going to be Dorothy, a costume from her Grandma.) So this was a difficult pattern, at least for a beginner like me. There were numerous layers of tulle, sheer organza and other fabric... it became slippery and confusing and at one point I stopped being careful and just put the pedal to the metal and basically sewed without looking. And it showed in the end, but I put a big tulle bow on top of the biggest mistake and it looks just fine!

Here are some beautiful autumn leaves from my neighborhood. I thought that it would be nice to walk home from school with the girls, since it was a stunning fall day, thinking we could admire nature’s bounty and record these precious moments together. Or we could annoy the heck out of each other all the way home. Which is what we did. This photo about sums it up:
Oh well, we tried : )

Today the girls were both home from school, Five was sick and so we just did a ton of crafts. Here is one of many that I found through this awesome site, The Crafty Crow, which pointed me to No Time for Flashcards who originated this neat idea. I love the Crafty Crow because it’s a collective that includes a) super cute & clever ideas for crafts and b) a way to search crafts by kids’ ages. So here is Cardboard Tube Frankenstein, perfect for three & five year olds:

If you want to read an amazing story, try these books (third book in the trilogy not yet released):

The cover designs make them look like spy thrillers, which they are definitely not: here is a review.

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